PowerShingle is an innovative system that features solar panels that serve as the roof of your structure. Mounted on a steel structure, the panels lock together with a slight overlap, eliminating leakage and providing full protection for the valuable assets stored beneath.

Who is PowerShingle For?

  • Agriculture

    PowerShingle can benefit agricultural producers with cost-effective storage space for their products and equipment while producing reliable energy for all of their operations.

  • Industrial

    The industrial and manufacturing sectors account for 35% of energy consumption in the United States. PowerShingle can provide these companies with renewable energy that is attractive, reliable and pays for itself.

  • Automotive

    PowerSingle can help travel centers cut energy costs while providing weather protection for their customers. PowersShingle can be used for EV charging stations and gas pump canopies.

PowerShingle Videos

POWERShingle can benefit any business.


With consistent rate hikes year over year by energy providers, it makes sense to generate your own energy. Recurring energy generation from PowerShingle can save our clients hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars during the life of their system.

Earn Tax

Our clients can receive up to a 70% federal tax credit (Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act) on the cost of the entire PowerShingle structure (not just the solar panels) which makes PowerShingle more cost-effective than a standard solar array installed atop a standard metal structure.

Become Energy

Your operations shouldn’t stop if PG&E or your energy provider decides to shut down the power. With ongoing power outages across California, it’s a good time to consider becoming energy-independent.

With recurring energy generation, peace of mind of energy independence, over 40% Federal tax credits, and 21% Depreciation on the entire structure, PowerShingle is a financial decision that makes sense for any business, developer, architect, and more…

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities to work. Please get in touch and one of our project managers will get right back to you.